Horn: I can knockout Mundine
Просмотров: 25508 Thursday, 11 October 2018  |   Профессиональный бокс




Ex- world champion in welterweight Australian Jeff Horn will take to the ring against his compatriot Anthony Mundin at the Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane on November 30th. Horn declares that he does not doubt his victory in this confrontation, but at the same time he has no right to make mistakes, since the second defeat in a row can end his career:


«Mundine said bold comments about me, but we'll see how he can confront me during the fight. It definitely would be very hard to pick back up the career if I have a second loss in a row. But I think this will not happen, as I am sure that I am in better shape than he. I can knock aut him. All I need is to act at a high rhythm, and I am sure that he will not be able to withstand such a rhythm of battle.


Mundine has been Australia’s biggest name for a long time and I need to put maximum effort into convincingly defeating him», said Horn.